HelvectorLight Theme
Dec 23, 2007
I’ve just updated the ActionScript 3 Bundle to include an ASDoc language definition. This is essentially a scope change of Luke Daley’s JavaDoc language definition. The result is that the following scopes within the documentation blocks are brought under new colour jurisdictions. keyword.other
For me, using my favourite theme - Twilight - the extra colour where I was so used to seeing grey wasn’t working. To combat it, and get things greyscale again, I added 3 new theme elements and applied them to the following scopes: comment.block.documentation keyword.other
comment.block.documentation entity.name.tag
comment.block.documentation punctuation.definition.tag
The results are the HelvectorLight.tmTheme which calms things down again. Download
Simon - May 2, 2008
Arlo - for me the package path is coloured when using the ActionScript 3 language definition. When I switched to the ActionScript language definition it went white, so could you confirm that you are in the right scope?
Arlo - Apr 4, 2008